Chris Bliss - Smart Comedy for the Information Age
In 2006, American stand up comedian and juggler Chris Bliss enjoyed widespread fame when an online video of his juggling finale became a viral internet sensation. The five minute video shows his energetic finale where he juggles three balls to Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End by The Beatles. It was widely circulated via email and blogs with an estimated 20 million viewings within 40 days. He later expanded his brief juggling act to include stand up comedy.
The first video below offers a taste of Chris’ “Smart Comedy for the Information Age” act, and the second is the juggling finale that made him famous. Sit back and enjoy!
HT: Michael
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Reader Comments (13)
Wow that was great! Thanks!
That was Awesome! Now I have to share them with others.
this guy is amazing! i've never seen anyone express themselves so beautifully and musically with juggling! it's truly beautiful to watch and made us smile a whole lot! thanks :)
Great, great performances. He's a funny funny guy! And the juggling finale to his act is great! I have heard people diss him because he only uses 3 balls but it isn't the juggling tricks themselves that make this fantastic (though they still take a hell of a lot of practice), it's the overall presentation - fantastic stuff!
Great comedy act, lmao! And wow, the way his juggling was synced to the music was awesome!
Who would think that a comedy act and a juggling act would go together? And who would think that the Beatles and juggling would go so perfectly together? Thanks for posting!
His juggling is too basic, only 3 balls! If he used 5 or 7 it would be better.
The number of balls isn't the point. This is artistic. It makes no sense to say someone is better because they juggle more balls when the point is to entertain. Asking "why not more balls" is like asking why Rembrandt didn't use more colors or why the Beatles didn't use a violinist. Chris is extremely entertaining and that's the whole point. AND he is a funny comic!
Interpretive juggling. Who would have thought?
Very funny guy, reminds me a little of Jerry Seinfeld.
Great act!! I read that he used to open for Michael Jackson. That must have been back when he was just a juggler. His shows must be awesome now with his comedy act and the juggling finale. Anyone know if he is in Las Vegas?
harry, he has performed on the strip but isn't there right now, you can google 'las vegas shows' and enter his name and if he is there or coming it will tell you.
I would go see this guy if he ever plays in Las Vegas! He has a great act!