Stinson Beach Getaway - Part 3
A follow-up photo album of 44 images taken during our getaway to Stinson Beach with friends Michael & Sisko and Candy & Rob. All were taken with the Nikon D2Xs and Canon Digital Elph pocket cameras. Although Dawn was a little under the weather, this was one of the most relaxing getaways we’ve enjoyed. Heartfelt thanks to Sisko and Michael for making it possible. (See also Part 2 and Part 1).
Posted on Mar 25, 2008 at 12:15PM
in Friends, Photography, The Good Life, Travel, Wine & Dine

Reader Comments (13)
OMG these are great! The signs are so colorful! You sure do know how to live life to the fullest! Everyone in your pictures looks so happy! We always enjoy seeing your photo albums!
I will second that! Doug, you are a wonderful photographer and I live vicariously through the photos of your travels! Always enjoyable!
How nice that you had three beautiful ladies to photograph, like your own stable of models! You must be living right! (And eating right from what I see in the pictures!)
Bet you hated to leave. What a million dollar view! You were there at the right time - When we were there, it was too crowded. Hard to park, hard to get into the restaurants and hard to find a space on the beach. From the pictures, you had the best of it!
Absolutely breathtaking views! We looked at all the pictures again. What a travelogue! You should work for a travel agency!
I love the sign images; very colorful. Good portraits, too. Nice work!
The portraits are quite good, Doug. I might suggest adding saturation to some of them and of course different backgrounds (DOF) behind the blond lady. Subjective, I know, but a suggestion. Great work all around.
Nice photos!
Wonderful pictures!
Thanks everyone for your comments. And I always appreciate constructive criticism.
Blaine: I agree about the saturation. I had actually decreased it when I optimized the portrait shots for the web, perhaps a little too much. If I print any of them, I'll add some back in. The backgrounds weren't chosen (except for the couple shot), they were just where she happened to be standing. I plan to shoot her again in a more controlled environment. Thanks for your input!
I'm considering a softening filter for portraits, too. If you (or anyone) has suggestions, I'm all ears.
I use the Nikon Soft 1. The Nikon Soft 2 is just too much for my personal taste. I use the 35-70mm f/2.8D AF with the Soft 1 filter to reduce its ultra-sharpness. An added benefit is that the effect can be altered by changing the f-stop.
Unfortunately, it cannot be found in 77mm diameter, so I now have a B+W Carl Zeiss Softar 1.
Experiment, of course, but I (and my female models) love my Soft 1. They call it my "magic filter".
Thanks, Blaine!"